Selasa, 09 Oktober 2018

Noun and Pronoun

Hello everyone!
Selamat datang kembali di Fee’s blog. Blognya edukasi cia cia cia (:
Kali ini saya selaku satu-satunya admin cantik *karena cuma saya adminnya dan saya perempuan* akan memberikan setitik ilmu yang saya dapatkan pada mata kuliah syntax. Kira-kira apa yaa materinya? Yuk di simak.
   Hasil gambar untuk noun and pronoun 
Noun and Pronoun

   A.    Noun
Noun is a word that names a person, place, idea, or thing.

The function of noun
1.      Noun act as subject
2.      Noun as object
3.      Noun are describe by adjective. (Fella is beautiful) *karena setiap wanita sejatinya cantik* muehehehe
4.      Noun as indirect object. (she gave her mother a flower)
5.      Noun as direct object. (Yoki kicks the ball)
6.      Noun as a adverb. (students study in school)

Kinds of noun
1.      Abstract (tak bisa dirasakan dengan panca indera) and concrete (nyata, bisa dirasakan dengan panca indera)
Abstract contohnya love, knowledge. Concrete noun contohnya car, book.
2.      Singular (single) and plural (jamak)
Singular contohnya child, man, mouse. Plural contohnya children, men, mice.
3.      Animate (hidup) and inanimate (tak hidup)
Animate contohnya human, dog. Inanimate contohnya rock, chair.
4.      Countable (bisa dihitung) and uncountable (tak bisa dihitung)
Countable contohnya candy, apple, cookie. Uncountable contohnya water, salt, love.
5.      Proper (spesifik) and common (umum)
Contoh proper noun Fella, Purwokerto. Contoh common noun a girl, city.
6.      Collective (segerombolan) and material noun (materi dari sesuatu)
Contoh collective noun group, bunch, flock. Contoh material noun meat, milk, wool.

   B.     Pronoun
Pronoun is a part of speech which is used in place of a noun that is already been mentioned or that already known, often to avoid repeating the noun.

Function of pronoun
1.      Subject of the verb (he is very sick)
2.      Object of the verb (I love him)
3.      Complement of the verb (it was you)
4.      Object of the preposition (I bought the book for him)
5.      Appoint to a noun (L, who has dimple in his sweet smile, is my boyfriend)

Kinds of pronoun
1.      Personal pronoun: representing people or thing (I, you, he, she, it, we, they)
2.      Demonstrative pronoun (that, this, these, those)
3.      Indefinite pronoun (all, some, any, several,anyone, nobody, each, both, few, either)
4.      Interrogative pronoun: pronoun that are used in question (what, why, who, where, when, how)
5.      Possesive pronoun (I, you, they, we)
6.      Possesive pronoun (my, your, his, her, its, our, their)
7.      Absolut possesive pronoun ( mine, yours, his, hers, ours)
8.      Reciprocal pronoun: are used for actions or feeling that are reciprocated. (each other, another)
9.      Reflexive pronoun (myself, yourself…)
10.  Intensive pronoun/empatic (the cat open the door itself)
11.  Relative pronoun: to add more information to a sentence (which, that, who)

Sekiranya cuma itu yang bisa saya bagi di episode kali ini. Semoga membantu yaa.
Mampir lagi yaa besok

Fee (:

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