Selasa, 23 Oktober 2018

Adjective and Determiner

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Hasil gambar untuk the difference between adjective determiners

Definition of adjective
An adjective modifies a noun or a pronoun. To modify means “to describe” or “to make more definite.”
Example: big, pretty, green, round, French, loud, quick, fat.
Example in sentence: she has big brown eyes. The new car broke down.

Types of adjective
   1.      Opinion
Nice, pretty, stupid, original, etc.
e.g: a sweet girl
   2.      Size
Big, small, large, tiny, etc.
e.g: there’s a tiny building
   3.      Age
Young, old, new, ancient, etc.
e.g: an antique car
   4.      Shape
Round, square, flat, straight, etc.
e.g: a straight road
   5.      Color
Blue, red, black, white, etc.
e.g: a black cat
   6.      Origin
Italian, British, Mexican, western, etc.
e.g: an Italian pizza
   7.      Material
Metal, wooden, plastic, golden, etc.
e.g: a plastic toy

Definition of determiner
Determiner are words that are used before nouns to show which person or thing you are talking about. Determiners comes before a noun to show which person or thing the noun refersto

Types of determiner
   1.      Articles
- Definite articles are those that point a particular person or thing. It can be used in front of a singular as well as plural countable and uncountable noun.
e.g: he saw the movie
-indefinite articles are those articles that leave a person or thing undertermined or confuse.
e.g: he is a doctor, I have an umbrella
   2.      Demonstrative adjective
This adjective indicate the noun that is being referred to
e.g: this book is mine
these books is mine
that cat is cute
those cats are cute
   3.      Different words
Difference word are used when you want to refer to something different, additional, or remaining.
e.g: same will eat the other piece of cake
I would like another balloon
   4.      Distributive
Are used to refer to how people or things are divided or share within a group
e.g: the teacher hands a paper to each child
   5.      Number (cardinal and ordinal)
Numbers are used to tell an exact amount (one, two, three) or a certain order (first, second, third)
e.g: there were twenty children at the party
she was the first person
   6.      Possessive pronouns
The pronouns are used to show possessions or belonging
e.g: this is my family
   7.      Quantifiers
Quantifiers tell us the number of each noun
e.g: please hand me a few tissues
   8.      Question or defining words
Question words ask which thing or person is being referred to by the speaker
e.g: which house is yours?
What book did you read?
Whose dog is that?

Placement and order of adjective
  1.      Determiner (a, an, the, some, any, one)
  2.      Opinion (wonderful, great, luxurious)
  3.      Size (big, small, long, wide)
  4.      Age (old, new)
  5.      Shape (round, oval)
  6.      Color (blue, black)
  7.      Origin (Indonesian, Korean)
  8.      Material (wooden, golden)


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Fee (:

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