Kamis, 20 Desember 2018

Compound and Complex Sentence

Sebelumnya kita udah belajar tentang simple and complex sentence, sekarang kita belajar lanjutannya nih yaitu compound and compound complex sentence. Penasaran gaa?
Check this out!

A.    Compound sentence contains two or more independent clauses and no subordinate clauses.
The independent clause maybe joined by a comma and a coordinating conjunction, by correlative conjunctions, by a semicolon (;), by conjunctive adverb or by transitional expression.
1.      Correlative conjunction:
These conjunction as seen in the case of compound subject and predicate, are used in pairs
-          Either … or …
-          Neither … nor …
-          Both … and …
-          Not only … but also …
2.      Coordinative conjunction
-          For
-          And
-          Nor
-          But
-          Or
-          Yet
-          So
3.      Conjunctive adverb
-          Also
-          Incidentally
-          Beside
-          Otherwise
-          Furthermore
-          Next
-          Etc.
4.      Transitional expression
-          After all
-          As a result
-          By the way
-          For example
-          Even so
-          On the other hand

B.     Compound complex sentence is the most complicated sentences. Contains two or more independent clauses (coordinate) and at least one dependent clause (subordinate).

Fee (:

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Compound and Complex Sentence

Hola! Sebelumnya kita udah belajar tentang simple and complex sentence, sekarang kita belajar lanjutannya nih yaitu compound and comp...