Jumat, 30 November 2018

The Clause (Kinds of Clause)

Hello Everybody! Now let's learn about the kinds of clause.
  The clause

  Kinds of clause
    1.      Independent clause
Definition : An independen clause is a group of words that has a subject and verb. It is used as a part of sentence but is grammatically independent and it could therefore stand alone.
Example : Because you come late more than 30 minutes, you are not allowed to enter the class.
    2.      Dependent clause
Definition : A dependent clause is introduced with a subordinator such as when, while, if, or before. It cannot stand alone because the subordinator signals the need for an independent clause to complete the meaning of the sentence.
Example : when you enter the room,……….
a.       Adverb clauses
A dependent adverb clause begins with an adverbial subordinator such as when,  while, because, although, if, so that, etc.
example : although Ahmad was sick, he went to class, Ahmad went to class although he was sick.
notice : if an adverb clause comes before the independent clause, it is followed by a comma ( sentence 1). if it comes after the independent clause, no comma is used.
b.       Adjective clauses
A dependent adjective (relative) clauses begins with a relative pronoun such as who, whom, which, whose, or that, or with  a relative verb such as when or where.
example : men who are not married are called bachelors.
c.       Noun clause
A dependent noun clause function as a noun. A dependent noun clause can be either a subject, or an object. No comma are necessary.
there are three type of noun clauses :
·         that-clauses are made from statements and are introduced by the subordinator  that. Example : The bulletin states that science courses require a laboratory period. Scientists believe that they can discover the medicine for HIV 
·         Wh-word clauses. Example: I don’t know where the student cafeteria is.
·         if/ whether clauses. Example : I don’t know whether I should look for a job or continue my study.

That's all from me.
Be Happy

Fee (:

Noun phrase and Verb phrase

   Hello good people. I'm back!
   Now, let's learn about noun phrase and verb phrase
   A.    NOUN PHRASE(NP): A group of related words that can act as a single noun-like within unity in a sentence.
Noun phrases start with determiners which are placed at the beginning of noun phrase. It’s divided into 2 part; basic and complex noun phrase.
1.      Basic NP
a.       Noun: book, student
b.      Det+N: the city, a friend
c.       Q+N: some people
d.      Det+Adj+N: my wonderful mom, a new house
e.       Q+Det+Adj+N: most of the animals, all the ways
f.       Adj+N: Asian girl, scary woods
g.      Q+Det+Adj+N: some of my best friends, all those smart students
h.      Det+Adv+Adj+N: the most beautiful girl, everything in scary wood
2.      Complex NP
a.       Pre Modifier
Including modifier that stand alone before the head of complex NP.
Det, adv, adj phrase, noun.
b.      Including modifier that stand alone after the head of complex NP.
Adj, prepositional phrase, infinitive, participle, relative clause.

    B.     Verb phrases are verbs that are made up of more than one word. Verb phrases consist of a main verb alone, or a main verb plus any modal or auxiliary verbs (helping verbs). Those helping verbs are; could, would, should, can, will, shall, may, might, must, did, do, does, and forms of “to be” (was, were, am, are, is, have been, has been, will be, will have been, and being).
1.      Basic VP
a.       Main verb: we are here, I like it.
b.      The auxiliary verb be and a main verb in the –ing form: we were laughing, everybody’s watching
c.       The auxiliary verb have and a main verb in the past participle form: they have enjoyed themselves, i had finished my work
d.      A modal verb (can, could, may, should, will, shall, must) and a main verb: they will come, i can get it.
2.      Intermediate VP
a.       Have been and v-ing
A verb phrase with have, been and the -ing  form expresses both perfect aspect and continuous aspect. A verb with have/has  expresses present perfect continuous and a verb with had expresses past perfect continuous. e.g: everybody has been working hard, he had been singing
b.      Verb and be, have and have been
They will be listening, he might have arrived
c.       Be and past participle
English is spoken all over the world, lunch was being served.

Don't forget to be happy

Fee (:

Adverbial phrase, Adjective phrase, and Prepositional phrase (Tree Diagram)

Hello good people. I hope you always in a good condition too
today we will learn about the tree diagram. let's goooo!

1. Adverbial phrase
   Adverbial phrase is a multi-word expressions operating adverbially: its syntactic function is to modify other expression, including verbs, adjectives, adverbs, adverbial and sentences.

2. Adjective phrase
   Adjective phrase is a group of words that describe a noun or pronoun in a sentence. It always has an adjective acting as the head.

3. Prepositional phrase
   Prepositional phrase is a group of words containing a preposition, a noun or pronoun object of the preposition, and any modifiers of the object.

Let's check the tree diagrams out to make us understand easily.

1. She wrote a message on the wall
2. The baby slept soundly

3. The children scream histerically
4. Ken made a cake for the party

5. Suzanna is extremely scary movie

I think that's all. thank you for coming
Don't forget to learn

Fee (:

Compound and Complex Sentence

Hola! Sebelumnya kita udah belajar tentang simple and complex sentence, sekarang kita belajar lanjutannya nih yaitu compound and comp...