Minggu, 30 September 2018

Word Formation Process

Hello guys! Welcome back to my blog (:
Kali ini aku mau kasih tau kalian nih tentang macem-macem word formation process. Wah apa tuh word formation process? Jadi ini tuh proses dimana sebuah kata terbentuk. Banyaaak banget asalnya gimana terbentuknya satu kata itu. Penasaran kan? Yuk cek yang dibawah ini (:

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Word formation process
  1.      Clipping or shortening
a.       Back clipping (belakangnya yang dihilangkan)
Advertisment -> ad or ads
Document -> doc
Gymnastic -> gym
b.      Fore clipping (depannya yang dihilangkan)
Cellphone or telephone -> phone
Alligator -> gator
c.       Middle clipping (tengahnya yang diambil)
Influenza -> flu

  2.      Acronym (singkatan)
Is a type of abbreviation, which are new words formed from the initial letters of a set of words. They are pronounced as new single words.
a.       Pronounce as word, contain only initial letters -> singkatannya dibaca seperti membaca sebuah kata, bukan membaca hurufnya.
NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
UNICEF (the United Nations Children’s Fund)
b.      Pronounce as a word, contain non initial letters -> singkatannya bukan cuma dari huruf depannya saja, tapi beberapa huruf dari setiap kata.
Radar (radio detection and ranging)
Scuba (self-contained underwater breathing apparatus)
c.       Psedo-acronym are used when pronounce as intented -> singkatannya dibaca perhuruf, bukan dibaca seperti sebuah kata.
LOL (Laughing Out Load)
LMAO (Laughing My Ass Off)
  3.      Coinage (merk dagang)
Sama seperti di Indonesia, terkadang orang luar negeri juga menyebutkan sebuah benda berdasarkan merknya, misalnya ibu-ibu beli deterjen nih trus si ibu bilang mau beli rinso tapi sama embak-embak penjaga tokonya dikasih boom dan ibu-ibunya ga protes. Mungkin ibuknya mikir yang penting bisa nyuci dah mau merk apa aja.
Xerox, xerox adalah merk dari sebuah mesin fotocopy. Nah kalo kalian di India mau fotocopy bilangnya xerox, kalo bilang fotocopy bingung deh oppa-oppa penjaga fotocopyannya tuh.
  4.      Back formation
Back formation refers to the process of creating a new lexeme by removing actual or supposed affixes.
Adsoption -> adsorb
Babysitter -> babysit
  5.      Compounding
Proses pembentukan kata dengan cara menggabungkan dua kelas kat atau lebih menjadi satu bentuk baru.
a.       Open compound: penggabungan dengan cara memberi jarak pada kata
Ice cream, rolling door, living room, white house, note book (buku)
b.      Close compound: penggabungan tanpa memberi jarak pada kata
Showroom, brotherhood, friendship, homework, bedroom, notebook (adeknya leptop)
c.       Hyphenated compound: ada tanda pemisah antar kata (-)
Short-term, non-blog, anti-aircraft, well-known.
  6.      Reduplication
Proses pengulangan kata atau unsur kata.
a.       Rhyming reduplication or change of initial consonant
Hokey-pokey, boogie-woogie, walkie-talkie, easy-peasy.
b.      Exact reduplication (baby-talk-like)
Bye-bye, choo-choo, pee-pee, night-night.
c.       Ablaut reduplication or change of vowel
Chit-chat, hip-hop, ding-dong, zig-zag.
  7.      Infection (affix tidak mengubah kelas kata)
Terdapat imbuhan pada sebuah kata namun tidak merubah kelas kata tersebut.
Contoh: walk apabila menjadi verb untuk kata he, she, it maka akan mempunyai imbuhan s -> she walks dan kata walks disini tetap menjadi verb.
  8.      Derivation (affix mengubah kelas kata)
Terdapat imbuhan dalam sebuah kata dan karena imbuhan tersebut kata itu berubah kelas.
Contoh: happy (adj) apabila mendapat imbuhan –ness “happiness” maka akan berubah menjadi (n).
  9.      Borrowing
Proses pembentukan kata dengan cara meminjam atau mengambil kosakata dalam bahasa lain
Contoh: Television berasal dari kata tele (Yunani) yang berarti jauh, visio (Latin) yang berarti melihat.
  10.  Blending
Proses pembentukan kata dengan cara menggabungkan dua kata atau lebih dengan cara menghilangkan bagian tertentu.
a.       The beginning of one word is added to the end of the other
Brunch (breakfast and lunch)
b.      The beginnings of two words are combined
Cyborg (cybernetic and organism)
c.       One complete word is combined with part of another word
Guesstimate (guess and estimate)
d.      Two words are blended around a common sequence of sound
Californication –a song by Red Hot Chilli Peppers- (California and fornication)
e.       Multiple sounds from two component words are blended, while mostly preserving the sounds’ order. Poet Lewis Caroll was well known for these kinds of blends.

Semoga bermanfaat (:
Rajin membaca selalu yaa ;)


Selasa, 25 September 2018


Let’s learning syntax together
Hello everyone! My name is Reti Nurfella Saputri. And this is my first experience to have a blog. Happy reading J

Morpheme is the smallest meaningful elements of the language. The function of morpheme is as the foundation of language and syntax. And syntax is the arrangement of words and sentences to create meaning. Morphology is the study of these meaning units. Not all words or even all syllables are necessarily meaning units. Morphology employs discovery procedures to find out what words or syllables are morphemes.
a.       Types of morphemes
1.       Grammatical classification
There are two kinds of morphemes in grammatically speaking.
                                                         i.            Free morphemes : these may occur on their own, they can be used freely according to the rules of sentence structure, for example girl, chair, love, come.
                                                       ii.            Bound morphemes : these are exception to the rule that morpheme must be able to stand alone, they have no meaning of their own, nut added substantial meaning to other morpheme to which they are attached. They are used for various purpose, such as inflection. Example: -ing in walking, -er in teacher, where walk and teach is a free morpheme accompanied by various bound morphemes, namely suffix.
2.       Morph and allomorph
i.                     Morph is the phonetic realization of morpheme
ii.                   Allomorph is the variants of one morpheme. Allomorph is related to phonology.
For example:
[s] : - (s) -> p, t, k. carpets
- (z) -> b, d, g, v. dogs
- (iz) -> s, z, t , dƷ, Ʒ

b.      Types of words based on morphemes
1.       Simple word: word that consist of one or two morphemes.
Example: teacher it consist of two morphemes they are “teach” and “-er”
2.       Complex word: word that consist more than two morphemes.
Example: encouragment this word consist of three morphemes they are “en-“, “courage”, and “-ment”.
c.       Affix
Affix is an additional element placed at the beginning, middle, or end of a root, stem, or word, or in the body of a word, to modify its meaning.
1.       Prefix
Prefix is an affix which is placed before the stem of a word.
2.       Suffix
Suffix is an affix which is place after the stem of a word.
3.       Infix
Infix is a word element (a type of affix) that can be inserted within the base form of a word.
4.       Circumfix
Occurs in two parts on both outer edges of a root.
5.       Simulfix
Replaces one or more phonemes in the root.
6.       Inflection

The modification  of a word to express different grammatical categories such as tense, case, voice, aspect, person, number, gender, and mood.

thank you for coming. I hope it will help you :)

Compound and Complex Sentence

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