Kamis, 20 Desember 2018

Compound and Complex Sentence

Sebelumnya kita udah belajar tentang simple and complex sentence, sekarang kita belajar lanjutannya nih yaitu compound and compound complex sentence. Penasaran gaa?
Check this out!

A.    Compound sentence contains two or more independent clauses and no subordinate clauses.
The independent clause maybe joined by a comma and a coordinating conjunction, by correlative conjunctions, by a semicolon (;), by conjunctive adverb or by transitional expression.
1.      Correlative conjunction:
These conjunction as seen in the case of compound subject and predicate, are used in pairs
-          Either … or …
-          Neither … nor …
-          Both … and …
-          Not only … but also …
2.      Coordinative conjunction
-          For
-          And
-          Nor
-          But
-          Or
-          Yet
-          So
3.      Conjunctive adverb
-          Also
-          Incidentally
-          Beside
-          Otherwise
-          Furthermore
-          Next
-          Etc.
4.      Transitional expression
-          After all
-          As a result
-          By the way
-          For example
-          Even so
-          On the other hand

B.     Compound complex sentence is the most complicated sentences. Contains two or more independent clauses (coordinate) and at least one dependent clause (subordinate).

Fee (:

Simple and Complex Sentence

Hello guys!
Selamat datang kembali di blog (inysaa Allah) beredukasi (:
Sekarang kita bahas materi tentang simple and complex sentence. Penasaran?
Check this out!

Simple and Complex Sentence
    A.    Sentence
Sentence is a group of words that you use to communicate your ideas in writing or in speech. It consist two parts those are subject and predicate

    B.     The clause
1.      Independent clause: is a group of words that has a subject and verb. It is used as a part of a sentence but is grammatically independent and it could therefore stand alone.
2.      Dependent clause: is introduced with a subordinator such as when, while, if or before. It cannot stand alone because the subordinator signals the need for an independent clause to complete the meaning of the sentence.

    C.     The simple sentence
A simple sentence is a complete which contain a subject and a verb followed by other words which make up the meaning.
e.g: the bird flew away                                   a sentence
the man on the street                                not a sentence
The subject may be hidden.
e.g: open the door. It means YOU is the subject of this sentence.

All simple sentences must contain at least one subject and one predicate, or verb. however sometimes, the subject, the predicate, or both may be compound.
The sentences below are all simple sentences eventough they have compound parts:
compound subject : Apes and monkeys are primates.
compound predicates: scientists observe and study wildlife.
compound subject and compound predicate : Jane Goodall and Dian Fossey observed and studied primates in the wild.

    D.    Complex sentence
A complex sentence consists of a main clause (independent clause) and one or more subordinate clauses (dependent clause).
Complex sentences are used to express complex ideas by:
1.      Showing how ideas and/or events are related to each other.
2.      Providing extra information about certain words or phrases.
Dependent clauses cannot stand alone as a sentence, but they can be added to an independent clause to form a complex sentence.
Dependent clause begin with subordinating conjunctions. Below are some of the most common subordinating conjuction: after, although, as, because, before, even though, if, since, though, unless, until, when, whenever, whereas, wherever, while.
A complex sentence joins independent clause with one or more dependent clauses.
The dependent clause can go first in the sentence, followed by the independent clause, as in the following:
1.      Because her score is high, she got the schoolarship
2.      While she waited at the train station, Afi realized that the train was late.
Conversely, the independent clause can go first in the sentence, followed by the dependent clause, as in the following:
1.      She got the schoolarship because her score is high.
2.      Afi realized that the train was late while she waited at the train station.

Semoga bermanfaat.

Fee (:

Compound and Complex Sentence

Hola! Sebelumnya kita udah belajar tentang simple and complex sentence, sekarang kita belajar lanjutannya nih yaitu compound and comp...